Defensive fighting moves
Defensive fighting moves

The outcome of a fight is often determined before the first strike is thrown. Never allow yourself to be an easy target for someone with bad intentions towards you. That little voice might be your best self-defense tool since it prevents the self-defense scenario from developing in the first place. There’s always a reason why you have a bad feeling about something, even if it isn’t apparent to you. It might be somewhere you don’t want to go or someone giving you the creeps. That little voice has kept humans safe for millennia, and it can do the same for you. That’s your instinct, and you can thank 60,000 years of evolution for that. We’ve all had that funny feeling in our guts when we knew something wasn’t right before something terrible happened. Let us dive right into our list of self-defense tips:


Your mentality is also a huge factor and often makes a more significant impact than knowing how to fight. Knowing how to fight is only half the equation for defending yourself and your loved ones. Martial arts like Krav Maga can teach you techniques that help against weapons, but these techniques are often very scenario-specific and are not guaranteed to work.ġ3 Self-Defense Tips Everyone Should Know There’s also the issue of weapons in a self-defense situation. For starters, you most likely will never be the best fighter on the planet, and there will always be people who can physically overpower you. Of course, self-defense is a lot more than knowing how to fight. It never hurts to know how to throw a proper punch or how to evade one in a self-defense situation. However, fights often start with both people standing, so contemplate at least taking a few classes of a striking-based martial art like Muay Thai, Sanda, or Boxing. Consider training at least one grappling-based martial art to learn useful tools that might come in handy in self-defense situations. Many grappling-based martial arts like Judo, Wrestling, and Sambo tend to have similar cultures. This creates a grappler most untrained people don’t stand a chance against. As a result, BJJ students are used to executing their techniques against resisting opponents who also know BJJ. Since BJJ doesn’t allow for the use of any strikes, students can roll at close to 100 percent without worrying about taking any damage. You’ll probably even get to roll with your instructors from time to time.

defensive fighting moves

You might get a pass during your first few weeks of training, but your instructors will eventually want you to roll with your training partners. Many instructors expect their students to roll after each class. One distinct aspect of BJJ is the rolling (sparring) culture. The latter is often the most underrated aspect of learning a martial art.įor example, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is regarded by many in the security industry as the most effective martial art for self-defense, and a lot of that comes from how well they perform in real-life situations and mixed martial arts (the closest sport to real fighting).

defensive fighting moves

It only teaches you techniques that will be effective on most potential attackers and gives you valuable fighting experience. However, learning a martial art doesn’t make you invincible.

defensive fighting moves defensive fighting moves

Learning a martial art goes a long way when it comes to self-defense since the average trained person would likely defeat the average untrained person in hand-to-hand combat. The most effective self-defense techniques and strategies are equally effective for women and men.

Defensive fighting moves